Seniors Challenge Course

This is a course primarily for individuals aged above 20 years. This is another open enrollment course mainly targeting young people or the young at heart employed in industry and commerce, the Armed Forces, the Private sector, N.G.Os…etc. College and University students or any individual who has participated in an Outward Bound Course
before is also eligible to attend.The course concentrates on nurturing the skills and self-awareness which participants
need in order to meet the demands of their careers, personal lives and to improve their upward mobility.

Locations:As varied as they can get.

Course Content: As in Standard Course with stress in Skill acquisition and Group Dynamics as deemed fit.
Course Duration: 21 Days long.

This is a new course aimed at female empowerment and gender awareness. It is an all girls course that endevours to address the issues that challenge the girl child right from adolescence, growing up, HIV Aids, drugs …etc to the demands of the modern woman.Participants on this course come in two syndicates; teenagers (for those aged between 13-19) and the young woman (those aged above 19).The participant is carefully impelled into accomplishing seemingly impossible physical

activities irrespective of their state of physical fitness. Some tasks require supreme brain power. Accomplishing these tasks helps to rapidly build self-confidence, self assertiveness, critical self evaluation and emotional balance.During the course, the participants are exposed to demanding leadership activities. They learn to set goals and achieve results. They also learn about the hazards of drug and substance abuse and developing self discipline in all spheres of life.
Locations: As varied as they can get.
Course Content: ‘What girls can do, boys can do better!’.
Course Duration: 10 Days long

This is a Basic Introductory Course to Outdoor and Leadership training. It is designed for girls and boys aged between 8 and 17 years old. The course seeks to expose the young people to the realities of life, maturity and the challenges of personal responsibility. It helps them acquire the personal qualities of self-discipline, basic leadership, initiative, physical and mental fitness. It also covers environmental conservation and awareness.

Course Locations: Loitokitok/Naivasha/Kanamai/Lukenya.
Course Content: Hikes, Rock-Climbing and Abseiling, Camping…etc.

Course Duration: 6 Days long.

This is an intensive Leadership Induction Course designed for students in leadership positions in secondary schools (prefects, head students, team captains…etc), middle-level colleges, universities and/or other young men and women showing exceptional leadership potential or expected to take up leadership roles of any form.We present student leaders with a learning environment tailor-made to bring out and develop qualities of leadership commensurate to their levels of responsibility. The participants are divided into small groups and presented with tasks that call for effective team work. Activities are followed by de-brief sessions during which the participants discuss what they learnt and how they can apply the lessons to their leadership roles in the respective institutions. Professional input complements the activities.

Locations: Loitokitok/Naivasha/Kanamai/Lukenya.

Course Content: Exclusively tailor-made to fit individual client needs.

Course Duration: 8 Days long.

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Outward Bound Kenya

Kenya Cultural Centre – 1’st Floor, Harry Thuku Road (opp. Norfolk Hotel), 


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