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The dance

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The dance

DAYS STUDENT LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME Outward Bound Trust of Kenya is part of Outward Bound global group with presence in 66 countries. It was established in 1944 in Britain. Outward Bound Kenya was established in 1952 with fully fledged training Centre, on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Loitokitok, Kenya. We are inviting the students for Outward Bound Youth Leadership programme. The programme objectives:  To impart leadership skills to the students.  Build group and personal resilience.  To create teamwork and collaboration in their daily activities and responsibilities.  To develop self-confidence and self-esteem so as to provide leadership.  To develop interpersonal skills and better relationship with everybody else in contact.  To Develop positive attitude towards others and life in general’ and being responsible citizens.  To be better decision makers. The programme will be conducted at our premier Outward Bound Training Centre, Loitokitok and Maasai plains. This involves the activities and Centre such as lectures, mentoring, rope course wall etc. and plain expedition within the neighborhood. The intensive 4 days for programme is designed to get the best of the participants. Our charges will be Kshs 16,000, this include: food and accommodation tuition, training materials, desk research, training needs assessment, course evaluation, professional facilitation and certificates. Tentative itinerary is attached NB: Outward Bound Certificate is recognized internationally Training session

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Outward Bound Kenya

Kenya Cultural Centre – 1’st Floor, Harry Thuku Road (opp. Norfolk Hotel), 




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